
What Type of Property Is Right for Me?

By | February 23, 2024

Owning real estate means committing to the property and everything that comes with it over the long term. Properties come in all shapes, sizes and price ranges. There is much to consider and a lot on the line, so getting it right from the start is essential.If this is your first time venturing into buying or investing in a house, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the process. Here’s what you should know. Determining Which Property to Buy or Invest InOnce you’ve decided to own real estate, the first step is determining what property is best for you. This involves doing some research to understand what drives the housing market relative to the current state of the economy. For example, supply and demand dynamics determine what properties are available and how much you’ll likely pay. Having established availability, you must evaluate other critical considerations. Location Check out the area where the house is located. What’s the neighborhood like? What is the condition of the other properties on the street? Are there public amenities like schools and hospitals nearby? Researching the location gives you a good idea of the type of area you’re buying into, as well as an indication of the house’s potential. If you’re investing, consider the property in context. A spectacular vacation home in an area people hardly visit will not have good returns. Remember, there’s a lot you can do to improve the property itself, but you can’t improve the location. Pros and Cons of Different Home Types Different types of properties suit buyers with various lifestyles. Picking the right house can be as important as choosing the best location. You’ll need to weigh the advantages and drawbacks unique to each property type. For example, a condo might have pet restrictions or limited parking compared to a townhouse. Some properties are more expensive than others, so it also depends on your financial capacity. Consider these questions to help you make an informed decision: How much space do I need? Single and multifamily homes are your best bets if you need a property with lots of room to accommodate a growing family. Do I want the freedom to renovate? Generally, you have much more flexibility to spruce up a single-family house than other residential properties. Apartments and condos might be the most difficult to personalize as the rules tend to be stricter. Am I willing to pay additional fees? Depending on the HOA regulations in co-ops, condos and townhouses, you might have to pay a monthly fee to cover services like landscaping, garbage disposal, playground maintenance and other amenities. Will I want to refinance in the future? Refinancing lets you take advantage of lower interest rates, which translates into lower mortgage payments. Co-op properties are typically more challenging to refinance as they require additional steps, such as obtaining approval from the board and finding a lender that offers co-op refinance loans. Property ValuationBefore purchasing a house, you must ascertain its actual market value. This ensures you’re paying a fair price for the property. Different valuation methods are available, but the most common revolves around comparing the sales of properties with similar characteristics in the area. This provides a suitable benchmark for assessing how much homes go for in that location.Current ConditionEvaluate the condition of the property you want to purchase. Search for homes that look like they’ve been well-maintained over the years so you can save on maintenance and repair costs down the road. You’re more likely to get tenants if you plan on renting out the property, as most people don’t want a run-down house. However, if you’re looking to buy a property to flip, a home in poor condition makes more sense. Similarly, you might be in the market for a fixer-upper. In these instances, assessing how much work is required to restore the house to a livable condition is important. The 1% RuleThis rule only applies to properties that you buy for the sole purpose of making rental income. It considers the upfront purchase cost, including repair or renovation expenses, and calculates 1% of the figure to determine the estimated rent. Can you charge renters that amount in that area? If yes, then the property will likely be a good investment. If not, there’s no reason to dig any deeper.Decide on Property Ownership The next step is to decide on the proprietorship details. This is an important consideration because it determines who takes over the property if the owner passes away or cannot handle the responsibilities. There are different types of real estate ownership, each with unique characteristics. For example, tenancy by entireties is only available to married couples, whereas joint tenancy allows two or more individuals to share a unified interest in the property. Take the time to understand the available options and select the one best suited for your situation. Financing Your Real Estate PurchaseBuying a property is a significant investment and vital to determine how much house you can afford before diving into the real estate market. Your credit score, debt-to-income ratio and how much down payment you can put up will determine your financial readiness. For instance, taking out a conventional mortgage requires at least a 3% down payment and a minimum 620 credit score. However, anything less than 20% will incur private mortgage insurance. The type of property can also determine what kind of financing to choose. For example, you can only use an FHA loan for primary residence purchases. If you want to buy an investment property or vacation home, you’re better off obtaining a jumbo loan. Of course, you can always pay in cash if you have the liquidity. Mortgage debt in the U.S. reached over $11 trillion as of 2022. Cash is the way to go if you don’t want to worry about making loan repayments or monitoring interest rates.  Lastly, consider the ongoing costs of owning real estate. These include property taxes, maintenance expenses, utilities, HOA dues and more. Include these in your budget and ensure your finances are healthy enough to carry them. Choose the Right Property for YouIt takes a lot of research to select the ideal real estate to buy or invest in. You can find a house that meets your expectations and preferences by considering factors like location, property valuation and financial readiness.

You’re making on your very own responsible for that financin…

By | September 6, 2024

When you cosign for a financing, you’re making on your very own answerable for that funding’s success and payment. Lots of consumers think having actually a lot less offered credit history makes them much less risky and additional than most likely to be recognized. Areas in incomes, properties, or credit report rankings have to be […]

Do You Know How Much Equity You Have?

By | June 28, 2024

Do You Know How Much Equity You Have? To find out what your number is, allow’s attach.

Experts Project Home Prices Will Increase in 2024

By | January 23, 2024

Even though home prices are going up nationally, some people are still
worried they might come down. In fact, a recent survey from Fannie Mae
found that 24% of people think home prices will actually decline over the
next 12 months. That means almost one out of every four people are dealing
with that fear, and you might be, too.

Prepare To Buy a Home by Improving Your Credit Report

By | February 27, 2024

As the brand-new year techniques, the idea of buying a home might be on your mind. It’s an interesting objective to establish, and it ‘s never ever prematurely to start preparing. One necessary step to prepare yourself for homeownership is creating a solid credit history score. Lenders assess your credit rating to evaluate your ability […]

What is an Earnest Money Deposit? A Guide for Sellers and cu…

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What Are the Hottest Real Estate Trends in Florida?

By | January 26, 2024

Florida has been synonymous with scoring real estate. Natural disasters and climate change have done little to make the Sunshine State a less desirable destination for practically everybody. Its enchanting appeal to students, retirees, entrepreneurs, workers, tourists and snowbirds has made its local real estate markets vibrant and profitable.Will Floridian locations and properties remain attractive in the coming months? Learn about the most noteworthy trends to set your expectations for the peninsula’s residential real estate sector.1. Fewer Homes Are Changing HandsThe Land of Flowers saw 26,363 homes sold in December 2023, representing a 5.4% dip year-over-year. Regarding single-family houses, the downtick was only 3.9%. However, the demand for townhouses and condominium units fell by 8.8% and 10.7%, respectively.The December figures may be bearish, but homebuyers were more bullish on Florida compared to the rest of the United States. Existing home sales dropped by 19% nationally in 2023 — the lowest in 30 years.The Florida residential real estate sector is showing signs of cooling off since home sales peaked at 52,147 in March 2021. It was a relatively steady decline. Monthly home sales in 2023 didn’t cross the 40,000 mark.2. Buyers Are Paying Top DollarThe Cirtrus Capital’s all-transactions house price index jumped 4.95% in Q3 2023 year-over-year. This data combines appraisal figures and sales prices, reflecting professional appraisers’ opinions and homebuyers’ sentiments.Although fewer homes are getting sold in Florida, it’s reassuring that buyers are ponying up more money to make the state their home. This figure suggests sellers still control the markets and bidding wars remain fierce.Historical data says this trend won’t run out of steam in the future. Only one quarter saw this metric drop since Q3 2012. Gaining a foothold in the Gulf State’s real estate market sooner rather than later is ideal. Barring housing bubbles, property appreciation is practically a foregone conclusion.3. Property Values Are SkyrocketingFlorida has overtaken New York as the second-most valuable residential real estate market. According to a September 2023 Zillow report, the Tropicana State’s total housing market value exceeded $3.8 trillion — up 4.3% since June 2022. Regarding the average home value, the figure is $383,063 — 8.2% higher year-over-year. Florida metropolitan areas are on a roll. The Miami–Fort Lauderdale real estate market is worth $1.2 trillion — the sixth-largest among metros nationwide. Four of the six housing markets with the highest gains in value since the pandemic are in the state. They’re Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville and Orlando, growing by 72.3%-88.9%.The Empire State is only $156.5 billion behind Florida. However, New York is trending downward. The Gateway to the West is losing people, while the Orange State has more in-movers than out-movers. Actually, Florida is the destination of those emigrating from the Knickerbocker State.4. More Energy-Efficiency Projects Are UnderwayResidential and commercial property owners in the Everglade State actively tackle green improvements, thanks to Florida PACE — Property Assessed Clean Energy. On average, the state’s energy conservation and hurricane protection funding agency helps finance 2,132 projects yearly, spending north of half a billion dollars from 2015 to the first half of 2023.The PACE program comes with a reasonable payment plan to make typically unaffordable repairs, upgrades and replacements more manageable. Hundreds of projects qualify for it, giving Floridians considerable latitude in making their properties more climate-resilient, code-compliant, sustainable, comfortable and valuable. Many prioritize window upgrades because about 30% of heat loss within the house occurs through leaky and thermally underperforming fenestration units. Getting a new exterior door, roof or generator is high on others’ agendas.Florida PACE also makes decarbonizing air conditioning by installing a heat pump budget-friendly. This electrification project costs about $18,000 in the South Atlantic. A funding source with no money down and no credit checks is desirable.5. New Foreign Players Are BiddingSouth Florida has been a magnet for international residential real estate buyers. In 2023, foreign nationals bought 6,200 homes worth $5.1 billion. It’s down 25% year-over-year, but the downturn spoke more of the overall housing market than of the interest from non-domestic players. International buyers retained 18% of the region’s total deal volume.The vast majority of South Florida residence hunters are from Latin America. The Columbians are well represented, accounting for 15%. The Argentines and Brazilians comprise 14% and 7% of investors, respectively. The rest are from Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, Chile and Ecuador.Canada is an outlier. Based on anecdotal evidence from real estate brokers, many buyers with deep pockets from the Great White North are shopping around South Florida while flying under the radar. These loaded Canadians are taking seven-figure properties off the market — a rare sight before the pandemic.The Canadian invasion of South Florida may just be getting started. Developers are taking notice and recalibrating their marketing strategies to generate more business from loaded buyers north of the border.6. Rent Prices Are StabilizingRents in some Florida metros are falling. In December 2023, Jacksonville and Cape Coral landlords charged 0.29% and 0.17% less year-over-year, respectively. These cuts were negligible but might be psychologically beneficial to aspiring tenants.Still, rents across the Flower State are at a premium. In the same month, Miami recorded the most inflated one, which was 6.23% more expensive than it should be. It translated to a 0.11% reduction month-over-month, though.On the bright side, five Florida metros in the Waller, Weeks and Johnson Rental Index were below the national rent premium average of 2.58%. Four were less than 2% away from matching their estimated reasonable rent prices. Jacksonville rents were even discounted by 0.10%. In other words, you could earn $68,548.09 and live in Jax without 30% of your annual income on rent.Unfortunately, rent prices in said metros may spike once more tenants simultaneously search for homes. Florida gives landlords the privilege to set rents without restrictions based on demand.Trends Come and GoSome Florida trends must be music to the ears of investors and home sellers, while others may sound terrible news to buyers and renters. That’s just the nature of the beast. For better or worse, real estate markets are cyclical and conditions will eventually be more favorable for the other parties.

Your Equity Could Make a Move Possible

By | August 5, 2024

Your Equity Could Make a Move Possible Numerous house owners looking to market feel like they’re stuck in between a rock and a tough area today. Today’s mortgage rates are greater than the one they presently carry their home, which’s making it harder to want to market and make an action. Maybe you’re in the […]

3 Helpful Tips for First-Time Homebuyers [INFOGRAPHIC]

By | March 25, 2024

Trying to buy your first home? If you’re worried about affordability today
or the limited number of homes for sale, these tips can help.

* Look into homebuyer programs, expand your search area, and consider a
multi-generational home.

* Let’s connect so you have an expert on your side to help you make
your dream a reality.

Aware January 2024 Episode 16 Scott Lehr and RESF

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